Monday 7 May 2012

Day 12 Kuala Lumpur to Perhentian Islands

We decided to fly from  KL to Kotu Bharu. We were rather interested to see what an overnight train journey on ''the jungle line'' would be like but taking a 45 minute flight for $35 Aus each seemed like the better option. We arrived in Kota Bahru at 3.30pm and were told the last ferry  departed Kuala Besut at 5pm (give maybe 20 minutes due to Island time). We jumped in a taxi at the airport for our 1 hour journey to the jetty. We weaved through small towns overtaking families on motorbikes, children on motorbikes, women, men and animals on motorbikes. It was great being able to people watch as we drove.  Malaysia is predominantly muslim in faith and  I had heard that Kota Bahru was a little more extremist than the cities as small towns often are. On our drive every single lady I saw was wearing the traditional muslim head dress. It makes western woman stick out like a sore thumb. Mike helps out a bit there though, a tall, pale skinned, hairy english man gets a few looks too. Once we arrived in Kuala Besut just in time for the last boats to Perhentian islands things were a little more relaxed, more tourists & malaysian holiday makers lined up to jump on the boats destined for a few days of paradise. 35 minutes later on glassy water we arrived at Coral Bay...these Malaysian Islands just keep getting better!! We walked along the white sand beach asking for accommodation and finally settled on a small room at Fatimah's about 30metres from the was more than basic but for $10 a night, cold running water, a fan, and a mosquito net we couldn't complain. We were just happy to be here and time would tell if we could hack it.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh I can't get over how cheap the flights are and the accomadation.take care xx
