Monday 7 May 2012

Day 13 - 16 Perhentian Islands

At some point during our 5 nights on the Perhentian Islands we realized we were in actual fact on holiday. We had spent the last 14 days charging around making sure we saw & experienced everything we possibly could. But here apart from swimming, snorkeling, walking over to the other side of the island (Long Beach) eating and drinking there wasn't a hell of a lot to do and it was fantastic. A typical day on the Perhetians involved...1) waking up  in a sweat once the sun started streaming in. 2) making our way as quickly as possible to the wharf for a swim. It was the deepest jumping off point and offered some cool temporary relief from the heat. 3) a cold shower.  4) Breakfast on the beach = Roti Canai with home made curry sauce. 5) Lay in the sun, read, swim, snorkel, read, lay in the sun. 6) cold shower. 7) Light Lunch,  snickers shake, or skip the food and stay in the water. 8) Walk to another beach spot, read, swim, lay in the sun. 9) Watch the storm roll in signaled by the cracking thunder and fork lightening in the distance. 9) Cold shower. 10) Make our way to dinner which usually involved a beach BBQ, rice, banana bread & watermellon. 11) Early night or big night at long beach drinking monkey juice, dancing to cheesy music with the locals, and buying the best burgers I have ever eaten at 3am from a stall on the beach...and that pretty much sums it up. We were also lucky enough to run into the first kiwi couple we have seen on this trip and  strangely enough Mike knows them SMALL WORLD!  It was really good to be able to hang out on the island with Fiona & CP, chat about travel plans, party with and tomorrow travel to Penang with. 


  1. My goodness even Reilly's life has abit more pressure!What a small world it is to meet up with someone Mike knew.What's monkey juice?might be worth having some at your wedding!Enjoy your tough days xx

  2. I'm with you Sue, where can we get some of this monkey juice I could sure do with some these days (LOL)
    So jealous sounds like paradise.
